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We proudly feature brands of cigars that we believe exemplify excellence in quality and consistency. Newcomers and experienced cigar enthusiasts alike are certain to find a smoke they enjoy, and our well-informed staff is available to assist, if necessary.
While our main focus is cigars, we also offer an impressive selection of other tobacco products – including cigarros/cigarillos, pipe tobacco, and cigarettes – and a wide array of accessories, which can be used to improve your smoking experience.
As with our cigars, we hold our accessories to a very high standard. Most of our lighters and cutters are produced by Xikar and Vertigo, and come with manufacturer lifetime warranties. We offer several storage options from Savoy and Prometheus, including cigarette cases, tobacco and pipe pouches, cigar holders, travel humidors, and wooden humidors. Our selection of pipes ranges from simple and inexpensive to high quality, beautifully crafted pieces, all of which can be used to enjoy our wide selection of tobacco blends.
Loyal customers can sign up for our free rewards program to earn $10 for every $100 spent on cigars. Points can only be accumulated via the purchase of individual cigars, but can be used toward any product in the store (excluding alcohol).
At the end of each month, we host a brand representative who – along with our knowledgeable staff – educates customers on our featured cigars, and offers exclusive blends and merchandise at a discounted rate.